Our Mission
Mobile phones are an integral part of our lives these days, and we cannot imagine going through a single day without them.

LCD Recycling
Our love affair with these gadgets comes at a cost, and as we upgrade our phones frequently, we end up discarding the older ones. While recycling these devices has become common, it is still not adequately efficient, as we often forget about specific parts of the device that need recycling too. One such component is the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen.
An LCD screen is a thin, delicate component that is mainly comprised of glass, liquid crystals, and a backlight system. Recycling LCDs can be tricky because they contain harmful chemicals such as mercury and cadmium that pollute the environment. Incorrect recycling of these screens can harm both our health and the environment.
Recycling LCD screens involves separating these parts by hand, melting down the glass to obtain pure form of the zinc sulfide phosphor, which is eventually used to manufacture new screens. Some valuable materials, including precious metals such as gold and silver, can also be extracted from these screens using various refining techniques. Recycling companies use these methods to extract these metals from the semi-processed device.
Unfortunately, not all recycling centers have the necessary equipment or expertise to effectively recycle these screens. Occasionally, these factors result in them being dumped at landfills where they can sit indefinitely, causing additional pollution.
To combat this issue, some mobile phone manufacturers are starting to take responsibility for their products' recycling processes and are working towards producing eco-friendly mobile phone screens that are sustainable. However, these screens are still expensive and have not yet achieved commercial viability.
It is up to consumers to ensure that we recycle old phone components properly. One way to achieve this is by recycling your LCD's with WeBuy LCD, a reputable, certified electronic waste recycler that is familiar with proper recycling protocols for LCD screens. This will ensure that the end-of-life LCD screens do not end up in landfills polluting the environment.
In conclusion, while recycling smartphones has become commonplace, it is essential that we don’t neglect the screens and other smaller components such as batteries. The next time you plan on getting rid of your old mobile device, think about the environment and recycle it through WeBuyLCD. By doing so, you will be giving your precious device a new life and help preserve the planet at the same time.